George R.R. Martin - news, trivia and originals

George R. R. Martin Names the Best Episode of Game of Thrones He Wrote

George R. R. Martin Names the Best Episode of Game of Thrones He Wrote

Thanks to a list published by Vanity Fair, presenting the best TV show episodes of the last 25 years, we found out which episode of Game of Thrones George R.R. Martin likes best.

Maciej Gaffke01 September 2023
George R. R. Martin Names the Best Episode of Game of Thrones He Wrote
Producer Reveals House of Dragon Season Count; More Than Originally Expected

Producer Reveals House of Dragon Season Count; More Than Originally Expected

How many seasons will House of the Dragon count? HBO's producer has some very good news for fans of the show.

Aleksandra Wosz29 May 2023
Producer Reveals House of Dragon Season Count; More Than Originally Expected