Poor Things is not a typical film. It's a perfect trap for the viewer who expects a garden-variety cinema. Meanwhile, it's hard to get a weirder experience than the one offered by a screening of a Yórgos Lánthimos' production.
A live-action Naruto movie is supposed to arrive in the future, but I think it's a bad idea because this manga is not suitable for cinematic adaptations.
If, instead of long-winded, season-spanning productions, you prefer complete stories, check out our list. We present the best mini-series available on Netflix in 2023.
Echo is the latest series to enter the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But will this several-episode production disenchant the bad spell hanging over the MCU for some time? You'll find out in our review.
Not yet this time. We'll have to wait for a really great Polish detective story. In the meantime, you can watch the Forst series from Netflix. It's unlikely to knock you out, but at least you'll kill time with a fairly decent production.
A sense of isolation, a beleaguered, bone-cutting darkness and frost, and great acting. This is what True Detective's return to form looks like. The fourth season is almost as good as the first one. Only one aspect from the original is missing – a touch of madness.
We have a review of Rebel Moon, a sci-fi spectacle from the famous director Zack Snyder. Can Netflix's much-announced space opera compete with Star Wars?
The new year brings a chance not only to review the past 12 months, but also to consider what the future holds. And the future of motion picture looks truly interesting. Here are the most intriguing premieres of 2024.
I can't believe what I saw. The Expendables 4 is such a crappy movie that it might as well be on TV with one star. This walking nightmare leaves no doubt - the end of the franchise has come.
You have no idea what to watch on Netflix? We can help you with that problem.
The Creator is a stunning film both visually and in terms of acting. You can't take your eyes off the production, it engages you throughout the entire duration. Even despite some plot points that aren't entirely coherent.
Streaming lets me watch whatever I want, whenever I want. It’s a great chance to rediscover the classics. Turns out they’re much better than platform-specific productions.
Some may feel offended by 1670, but this show shouldn't be treated as offensive. It's a good satire of Poland and its nobles. The sad news is that the style and overall direction has more pros than the story.
There are anime that break the cultural barrier and become - or should become - universal classics. This group includes the outstanding Monster, available on Netflix. Until recently it was cult only in certain circles. It's time to change that.
The American, 20th-century epic of greed, lies, fake countenances and corrupt souls. Here’s a review of Martin Scorsese Viewed at London Film Festival.
There’s a Spider-Man, whom we probably won’t ever see. Spider-Man that’s almost basic, and yet unique. It’s the same Peter Parker, just better and more consistent, coming from very specific writers.
Although everyone sees Netflix as the king of streaming, other services have no intention of giving up easily. The one player with the capacity to reshuffle the VOD market is Hulu, which has a very interesting offer. Here are a few more notable propositions.
Godzilla Minus One may serve for other filmmakers as a hallmark for how to make monster movies. The Japanese monster is destructive, but the movie wouldn't be a success without humans and their stories.
There’s a lot that you could accuse this series of today. But so what, if most movie freaks are still eager to see the new Bond, and the world can’t stop looking for a heir to Daniel Craig?
The Hunt for Red October is one of the good, old movies. It takes its audience seriously and doesn’t shun detailed, specialized knowledge – apart from characters, it also had additional heroes: the inanimate.
Francis Lawrence returns with a compelling prequel to Hunger Games. Time to go back 64 years and listen to this whole ballad.
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