NEWSROOM Is True Detective Season 4 Supernatural? Is True Detective Season 4 Supernatural? Night Country, the fourth season of True Detective, debuted on HBO's Max platform and surprised viewers with a mystery that is difficult to explain rationally. Did the show's creators resort to paranormal events? crime storyPamela Jakiel16 January 2024 Source: True Detective: Night Country, Issa Lopez, HBO, 2024i Attention! The text contains spoilers about the first episode of Night Country and the first season of True Detective. The first episode of the fourth series of True Detective was released on the Max platform. The first episode of Night Country definitely caught many viewers and fans of previous seasons of True Detective off guard, as it contained less subtle clues indicating the occurrence of supernatural phenomena in the depicted world. Is that true? Related:When Do New Episodes of True Detective Season 4 Come Out? Night Country Release Schedule In the first, the highest-rated season of the series, there were indications that a higher force existed in this universe. Rust Cohle had spiritual experiences. Although this interpretation appears the most likely, the creators still left a loophole for viewers with a more skeptical view of metaphysics, and the detective's experiences could be explained in a non-metaphysical way. However, the fourth season of True Detective appears to be leaning more towards supernatural phenomena, evoking the series The X-Files and not necessarily offering an alternative interpretation of events for skeptics. Although there are still five episodes left until the end of Night Country, which can change a lot, judging by the clues given to us in the first episode, we can assume that supernatural events take place in the fourth season of True Detective. True Detective: Night Country, Issa Lopez, HBO, 2024 How else can we explain the appearing voice: "She's awake" (probably referring to either a woman named Annie who was murdered years ago or to a force or character from indigenous beliefs), which is heard by various characters? Furthermore, certain native inhabitants (such as the character Evangeline Navarro portrayed by Kali Reis) consider it a given that there is something beyond what we can perceive "with the glass and the eye." The writers of the show clearly point out that there is a rather thin boundary between the world of the living and the dead in Ennis. Played by Fiona Shaw, Rose sees her dead lover, Travis, and he is the one who shows her the location of the dead scientists from the research station. Of course, this can be explained by hallucinations, the protagonist's illness, or her involvement in the whole affair, but the entire episode is conducted in a way designed to show viewers that a town in Alaska is a place where other than purely logical rules prevail. A sudden shift to realism after such efforts by filmmakers would be quite odd. Thus, while we won't get a definitive answer to the question of whether supernatural events are taking place in Night Country until a few weeks from now with the arrival of the series finale, we can expect it to be in the affirmative. More:True Detective Confirms Popular Rust Cohle Theory Linking Seasons 4 and 1 Część odnośników na tej stronie to linki afiliacyjne. Klikając w nie zostaniesz przeniesiony do serwisu partnera, a my możemy otrzymać prowizję od dokonanych przez Ciebie zakupów. Nie ponosisz żadnych dodatkowych kosztów, a jednocześnie wspierasz pracę naszej redakcji. Dziękujemy! RELATED TOPICS: TV series thriller (movies) crime story True Detective Pamela Jakiel Pamela Jakiel Finished film studies, graduate of the Faculty Individual Studies in the Humanities at the Jagiellonian University. Her master's thesis was about new spirituality in contemporary cinema. The editor of the since April 2023. She used to write for naEkranie. If she's not watching The Ninth Gate for the hundredth time, then she's reading books by Therese Bohman and Donna Tartt for the first time. She prefers gnosis over dread, dramas over horrors, Jung over Freud. She looks for symbolist paintings in museums. Runs long distances, and does even the longer ones on a gravel. Loves dachshunds. Who's Ted Connelly played by Christopher Eccleston in True Detective Season 4? Who's Ted Connelly played by Christopher Eccleston in True Detective Season 4? True Detective Confirms Popular Rust Cohle Theory Linking Seasons 4 and 1 True Detective Confirms Popular Rust Cohle Theory Linking Seasons 4 and 1 Reacher Season 2 Ending Expained Reacher Season 2 Ending Expained Reacher Season 2 Ending Hints Book They'll Adapt for Season 3 Reacher Season 2 Ending Hints Book They'll Adapt for Season 3 The Best Mini-Series on Netflix in 2023, Our Top 10 The Best Mini-Series on Netflix in 2023, Our Top 10