Where Was True Detective Season 4 Filmed? HBO's TV Show Shooting Locations

Night Country, the newest season of the True Detective series, features stunning locations, chilling scenery and Jodie Foster. Here are the locations where the HBO production was filmed.

crime story
Pamela Jakiel15 January 2024
Source: True Detective: Night Country, Issa Lopez, HBO, 2024

The fourth season of True Detective debuted on HBO Max. Viewers who have already watched the latest episode of the series are definitely curious about the filming location of the series with Jodie Foster. The show is stunning because of its incredible, icy scenery and settings that provide the series with the right atmosphere and emphasize the sense of isolation and the cold, dark atmosphere. Where was Night Country shot?

The new season of True Detective is set in the fictional town of Ennis in Alaska, but the filming took place in Iceland, which perfectly captures the chilling nature of the story. The majority of the series was shot around the country's capital, Reykjavik. That's where they found a location perfectly reflecting the darkness and emptiness of a research station isolated from civilization.

Ennis doesn't actually exist, but its role was "played" by the town of Akureyri, located at the base of a fjord in northern Iceland, as well as the fishing village of Dalvik. If you wish to visit the locations where the fourth season of True Detective was shot, you now know where to head.

Let's recall that in this season, the story revolves around two detectives, Liz Danvers (Jodie Foster) and Evangeline Navarro (Kali Reis), who are conducting an investigation into the disappearance of multiple individuals from a research facility. Women who initially have no fondness for each other must come together to solve the case. Nigh Country is the first season not written by series creator Nic Pizzolatto.

You can read our review of the fourth season of True Detective here.

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Pamela Jakiel

Pamela Jakiel

Finished film studies, graduate of the Faculty Individual Studies in the Humanities at the Jagiellonian University. Her master's thesis was about new spirituality in contemporary cinema. The editor of the gamepressure.com since April 2023. She used to write for naEkranie. If she's not watching The Ninth Gate for the hundredth time, then she's reading books by Therese Bohman and Donna Tartt for the first time. She prefers gnosis over dread, dramas over horrors, Jung over Freud. She looks for symbolist paintings in museums. Runs long distances, and does even the longer ones on a gravel. Loves dachshunds.

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