Palpatine Mocks Yoda in a Well-deserved Slap in the Face

To begin Luke Skywalker's training, Yoda first had to confront his past. The former leader of the Jedi Order went to the Cave of Evil, where Palpatine's vision didn't pull its punches.

science fiction
Zbigniew Woznicki07 August 2023
Source: Star Wars: Episode V - Empire Strikes Back; reż. Irvin Kershner; 20th Century Fox; 1980

After the fall of the Republic, Master Yoda hid on the swamp planet of Dagobah, which became his refuge for the next few years. In the comic book series Star Wars: Yoda the former Jedi master has a discussion with the Force ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi, who tries to convince him to train Luke Skywalker. In the tenth issue, Yoda goes to the Cave of Evil, where he faces his past and all the doubts that have plagued him for the past years.

All along, Master Yoda blamed himself for the downfall of the Republic and the Jedi Order. He was unable to detect the coming darkness and saw it all as his mistake. This is illustrated by his encounter with the vision of Palpatine, or Darth Sidious. Covered in skulls, the former Jedi master can only listen to words that seem to strike all too true:

"And that's why you're here, Jedi Master. The greatest of my disciples. Yoda the Blind, Yoda the Unaware. You can no longer turn back time. You know that, don't you? It's all because of you."

Palpatine Mocks Yoda in a Well-deserved Slap in the Face - picture #1
Star Wars: Yoda; Cavan Scott and Ibraim Roberson; Marvel; 2023

The lightning-throwing Emperor is, of course, the personification of the thoughts and accusations leveled against himself by Yoda. He was oblivious and blind to everything that was going on around him. Darth Sidious is not the only Sith the Jedi had to face in the Cave of Evil. The other "encounter" was definitely more painful.

Palpatine Mocks Yoda in a Well-deserved Slap in the Face - picture #2
Star Wars: Yoda; Cavan Scott and Ibraim Roberson; Marvel; 2023

In the aforementioned dark place, Yoda reunited with his former disciple Dooku. The latter asked the Jedi knight why he let him go, why he didn't try to stop him. Eventually they clashed in a duel in Yoda's mind, during which Dooku accused Yoda of being blinded by light and life.

Star Wars: Yoda gives an entirely new view of the story of Luke Skywalker's future teacher. In the end, he had to face his own doubts and a huge sense of guilt. Especially the latter plagued Yoda throughout his years on Dagobah. He was afraid to face the remorse visualized in the Cave of Evil.

Zbigniew Woznicki

Zbigniew Woznicki

He began his adventure with journalism and writing on the Allegro website, where he published news related to games, technology, and social media. He soon appeared on Gamepressure and Filmomaniak, writing about news related to the film industry. Despite being a huge fan of various TV series, his heart belongs to games of all kinds. He isn't afraid of any genre, and the adventure with Tibia taught him that sky and music in games are completely unnecessary. Years ago, he shared his experiences, moderating the forum of Loves to complain, but of course constructively and in moderation.

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