George Lucas Came Up With This Mandalorian Name Personally; 'He Conjured It Up'

Despite the fact that George Lucas is no longer directly involved in the development of the Star Wars universe, he sometimes gives creators - as it turns out - very good ideas. One of the stars of The Mandalorian has found that out.

science fiction
Kamil Kleszyk05 June 2023

After Disney took possession of Lucasfilm in 2012, it seemed that George Lucas would leave the development of the brands owned by it to the new decision-makers. And indeed, the creator has retreated into the shadows, but like a loving father he continues to look after his growing child. As a result, the brilliant director is often seen behind the scenes of many productions from the Star Wars universe.

One such visit took place on the set of the second season of The Mandalorian. Interestingly, during this inconspicuous visit, the creator, as if out of the blue, came up with a name for one of the characters in the show - Axe Woves. This situation was recently recalled by the actor playing this role, Simon Kassianides.

"My very first time meeting Jon [Favreau - ed. note] and Dave [Filoni], and being fitted, for Season 2…Jon and Dave looked at each other and asked if I knew how the character got his name. I just said it’s a pretty cool name. And they said that the day that George Lucas visited the set, he was sitting there and just suggested that there should be a character called Axe, quite randomly. But from that moment onwards I thought, ‘I better get my textbooks out.’ I mean humbling, right? I mean, you’re involved in something like that. And you realize that the guy conjured up this really cool name. You know just that it adds to it all," he revealed in an interview with The Holo Files.

George Lucas Came Up With This Mandalorian Name Personally; He Conjured It Up - picture #1
Source: Mandalorian, Jon Favreau, Lucasfilm, 2019.

Although Kassianides claims that the name Axe came about by accident, the truth may be quite different. As ScreenRant rightly points out, the Mandalorians to some extent reflect the Vikings, and, as we know from history lessons, Nordic warriors often used axes. Lucas' passion for anthropology is therefore strongly evident in his proposal for the character's name.

Also noteworthy is the fact that the legendary director still enjoys respect among the current filmmakers, who follow the master's guidance.

Finally, let's recall that all the so far released seasons of The Mandalorian can be watched on Disney+.

RELATED TOPICS: actors science fiction trivia George Lucas The Mandalorian

Kamil Kleszyk

Kamil Kleszyk

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