Michael J. Fox on 'Awkward' Concept for Back to the Future

The actor playing the lead role in Back to the Future recalls a situation on the set, involving an awkward element in the script.

science fiction
Mateusz Libera19 May 2023

Back to the Future is widely regarded as one of the best films of its genre. Not surprisingly, the 1985 production is still being discussed today. The story depicts a teenager who travels back in time and stands in the way of his parents' love, as a consequence of which he would almost prevent himself from being born. The protagonist played by Michael J. Fox gains the sympathy of his own mother (Lea Thompson). The only way to save himself and his siblings is to make sure his parents get together.

In an interview with Variety Fox admitted that he thought a lot about the concept of Back to the Future, analyzing the story from many angles. He concluded that the whole idea is and was bizarre. The actor added that he felt uncomfortable about it. At the same time, he shared his observation that perhaps this "strangeness" over the years became something that made the film so iconic.

"There is something about it that people still react to because it is so strange. I don't want to sound crude, but it's a movie where the hero almost f***s his own mother, and she'd be totally into it. Even then, I realized it was bizarre. By the way - Lea was quite charming."

Fox also mentioned his situation on the set. As he was simultaneously starring in the sitcom Family Ties, he had virtually no breaks between recording sessions. However, when he did manage to find a moment to himself, he slept for two to three hours at a time. Because of this, the actor would come to work heavily distracted, which, Fox admitted, suited him well to the role of Marty McFly.

"I barely knew where I was, and really had no idea what I was doing. This worked out well for the film, because Marty was supposed to be confused."

It's hard to imagine that a production like Back to the Future entered theaters without causing a few scandals these days. Michael J. Fox takes a different view., claiming that the reboot is not such a stupid idea at all. Nevertheless Back to the Future is a successful masterpiece that has made its mark on both actors and millions of viewers around the world.

Mateusz Libera

Mateusz Libera

He began his writing adventure by creating stories, later he followed the humanities path, choosing studies in journalism and social communication. He published his first texts on his personal blog and for contests. At the beginning of 2023, he joined the film department of GRYOnline.pl, where he started working as an author of articles about movies. He is interested in fantasy, history, RPG games, and strategies. He is also a long-time player of League of Legends - he has been playing since the second season. Additionally, he writes adventure and fantasy books, but in this field he is still a novice. Currently, he has published one collection of stories.

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