Did You See This Clue for Marty in Back to the Future? It was Hidden Near the End

Back to the Future has some interesting easter eggs included in it. One of them directly alludes to the time travel made by the main character, Marty McFly. It's a small but interesting detail.

science fiction
Zbigniew Woznicki25 April 2023

In Back to the Future from 1985, Marty McFly accidentally travels back 30 years. In the past he meets younger versions of his parents and Dr. Emmett Brown. In 1955's Hill Valley, viewers may notice that there is a travel agency on site, which by its slogan refers to Marty's time travel.

The office in question is called Ask Mr. Foster, which advertises with the words "Time to travel?". The place can be seen in the far frame between the 35th and 37th minute of the movie. It is also very visible at the 1 hour and 40 minute mark, when Marty attempts to reach the 88 mph speed required for time travel.

It is in this second scene that there was a certain wink to the audience and to the main character, who sets off on a journey back to his own time. And it's not just that the aforementioned slogan sounds like a callback to Marty McFly. The clock on the office's banner indicates the exact time at which lightning strikes the City Hall clock. In a way, the advertising slogan is a reminder that there's not much time left and it's worth pressing the pedal to the metal.

Did You See This Clue for Marty in Back to the Future? It was Hidden Near the End - picture #1
Back to the Future; dir. by Robert Zemeckis; Universal Pictures; 1985
Did You See This Clue for Marty in Back to the Future? It was Hidden Near the End - picture #2
Back to the future; dir. by Robert Zemeckis; Universal Pictures; 1985
Did You See This Clue for Marty in Back to the Future? It was Hidden Near the End - picture #3
Back to the Future; dir. Robert Zemeckis; Universal Pictures; 1985

Marty McFly himself devotes his attention to the place in a book based on the screenplay of Back to the Future by George Gipe:

"Next to the Bank of America, one of several businesses that also operated in 1985, was the Ask Mr. Foster travel agency. It advertised a "wonderful 10-day vacation to Cuba." Marty again laughed under his breath. He liked to share little secrets of stories that were yet to come."

In 1955, people in the United States still had the opportunity to travel to Cuba. This was to change in the next few years because of the Cuban Revolution. Marty McFly arrived from 1985 and was aware of the tremendous changes that had taken place in 30 years.

The banner advertising the Ask Mr. Foster travel agency is still present in 1985, but there it only shows that the company has been in existence since 1888. The slogan shown in 1955 is a curiosity that complements the entire film, although it is not immediately noticeable.

The Back to the Future trilogy is available, among other services, on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video.

Zbigniew Woznicki

Zbigniew Woznicki

He began his adventure with journalism and writing on the Allegro website, where he published news related to games, technology, and social media. He soon appeared on Gamepressure and Filmomaniak, writing about news related to the film industry. Despite being a huge fan of various TV series, his heart belongs to games of all kinds. He isn't afraid of any genre, and the adventure with Tibia taught him that sky and music in games are completely unnecessary. Years ago, he shared his experiences, moderating the forum of mmorpg.org.pl. Loves to complain, but of course constructively and in moderation.

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