NEWSROOM Harrison Ford Demanded Milllennium Falcon Upgrade in The Force Awakens Harrison Ford Demanded Milllennium Falcon Upgrade in The Force Awakens Han Solo actor Harrison Ford had only one request, which may come as a surprise, for a new Millennium Falcon being built for the movie. science fictionPamela Jakiel31 October 2023 Source: Star Wars: The Force Awakens, J.J. Abrams, Disney, 2015.i Today Star Wars is a huge, very well-known and highly profitable franchise. The beginnings of the series however, did not indicate that it would grow to such proportions and bring its creator great recognition and equally great earnings. Although the team behind the latest trilogy, which has a huge budget, certainly did not have to be particularly concerned about spending, the situation was quite different with the first movie. That George Lucas once had to carefully count the dollars he spent is evidenced by the statement of Harrison Ford, coming from thedocumentary titled Secrets Of The Force Awakens: A Cinematic Journey. The video showing behind the scenes of the making of The Force Awakens reveals that Han Solo's actor met with a production designer working on creating the Millennium Falcon for the movie, which saw Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill and Ford return to the Star Wars universe. Many years after the release of the original trilogy the actor got the chance to request changes to the ship piloted by his character. What Ford demanded may come as a surprise. "I patted him on the shoulder and said: 'Mr. Ford, my name is Darren, I'm the production designer of Star Wars. I'm currently building the Millennium Falcon.' And he said: 'Switches.' 'Switches?,' I asked. 'When we built it the first time, the switches didn't have springs inside,'" Darren Gilford reported. As it turned out, the decision to use switches without springs was financially driven, Harrison Ford recounted: "They bought the broken switches because they were much cheaper. So if you stood there long enough, the switch that was in this position [points down], and was moved to this position [points up], would slowly go down while you were just standing there - because there was no spring in it. There was no money for springs. 'Can we put in springs this time?,' I asked. 'Yes, boss, we have the budget for that.'" Well, today it's hard to believe that in the creation of the 1977 movie, savings led to abandoning springs, but that was the reality of creating an iconic show. If you want to relive the excitement of screening Star Wars movies, reach for Disney+. On the platform you will find movie and TV shows set in the Star Wars universe. RELATED TOPICS: actors Disney Hollywood science fiction Pamela Jakiel Pamela Jakiel Finished film studies, graduate of the Faculty Individual Studies in the Humanities at the Jagiellonian University. Her master's thesis was about new spirituality in contemporary cinema. The editor of the since April 2023. She used to write for naEkranie. If she's not watching The Ninth Gate for the hundredth time, then she's reading books by Therese Bohman and Donna Tartt for the first time. She prefers gnosis over dread, dramas over horrors, Jung over Freud. She looks for symbolist paintings in museums. Runs long distances, and does even the longer ones on a gravel. Loves dachshunds. Who's Ted Connelly played by Christopher Eccleston in True Detective Season 4? Who's Ted Connelly played by Christopher Eccleston in True Detective Season 4? Before becoming John Wick, Keanu Reeves made a bizarre report on teddy bears 39 years ago Before becoming John Wick, Keanu Reeves made a bizarre report on teddy bears 39 years ago When will The Marvels come to Disney Plus? When will The Marvels come to Disney Plus? Poor Things Movie Review. Perhaps the Strangest Experience of 2024 Poor Things Movie Review. Perhaps the Strangest Experience of 2024 The Best Mini-Series on Netflix in 2023, Our Top 10 The Best Mini-Series on Netflix in 2023, Our Top 10